ASU Teacher Tells Schoolchildren about Mineral Secrets

ASU Teacher Tells Schoolchildren about Mineral Secrets

The Regional Library named after N.K. Krupskaya hosted a lecture “Mineralogy for Fun”, held by Ilya Golovachev, an associate professor of the Faculty of Geology & Geography of Astrakhan State University.

The event was held within the framework of the summer festival "12 Lessons of Magic", organized by the youth artistic association "Golden Fox". During the interactive lecture, the audience learnt a lot of interesting facts about minerals and the science that studies them, and even held different minerals — precious and ornamental stones and meteorites — in their hands.

ASU Teacher Tells Schoolchildren about Mineral Secrets

Ilya Golovachev, an associate professor of the ASU Department of Wellsite Geology, Hydrogeology & Geochemistry of Combustible Fossils, invited the young participants to apply to Astrakhan State University for more detailed studies in different geological subjects.

ASU Teacher Tells Schoolchildren about Mineral Secrets

Faculty of Geology & Geography