Completion of Summer Physics School at Astrakhan State University

Completion of Summer Physics School at Astrakhan State University

The educational event, organized by ASU together with the MEPhI Institute of Engineering Physics for Biomedicine, involved more than 50 participants – professors, associate professors, senior researchers, BA, MA and Ph.D. students from different universities of Russia.

The summer school "Physics and Technology in Life Sciences" included a number of lectures and master classes by top-class specialists — Prof. Anton Fojtik, a Czech physicist and the "father of nanotechnologies", and Prof. Viktor Timoshenko from National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) and Lomonosov Moscow State University. Besides, some of the lectures were delivered by other scientists, including researchers of Astrakhan State University.

Having attended the lectures, the participants were asked to write scientific essays and consider the issues, connected with the topics, covered within the school, round-table discussions and reports, presented by the scientists.

Completion of Summer Physics School at Astrakhan State University

The organizing committee received 24 essays, which were mostly connected with the issue of getting nanoparticles and their application in nanobiomedicine, as well as the fundamental question: "What is the photon? Structure and wave function". Upon completion of the school activities, all the authors of the essays got certificates, and the authors of the best works were awarded with first-, second- and third-class honour degree certificates.

According to the organizing committee members, despite the fact that it was the first experience of holding such an event at ASU, the summer school "Physics and Technology in Life Sciences" was a great success and is likely to be held in Astrakhan again. 

Completion of Summer Physics School at Astrakhan State University

Faculty of Physics & Technology

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy