ASU on ISLAND 10-22: ASU Is Among 100 Russian Universities That Will Develop AI Competencies

ASU on ISLAND 10-22: ASU Is Among 100 Russian Universities That Will Develop AI Competencies

Within the framework of the final day of the second educational workshop, the University 20.35, Agency for Strategic Initiatives and several companies - Group, Kribrum, Skyeng, Bigdata team, GIL – signed an agreement on participation in a network project on promoting AI technologies with 100 Russian universities.

The project aims at uniting efforts of universities, private and public organizations on creating conditions that ensure Russia’s leadership in the sphere of artificial intelligence mechanisms. This initiative implies creation and application of the proposed technologies in education for improvement of its accessibility and competitiveness.

ASU on ISLAND 10-22: ASU Is Among 100 Russian Universities That Will Develop AI Competencies

In particular, the universities will get an access to the modules that allow to develop AI competencies, which can be included in educational programmes of all levels and specialization areas. The project implies joint accumulation of data to form digital models of competencies of specialists that apply AI technologies in their activities, as well as creation and improvement of recommended services with the use of AI technologies, participation in digital content creation and implementation of educational activities, ensuring the development of AI competencies.

Astrakhan State University, represented by its Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov, joined the ranks of the initiators of the network project implementation.

ASU on ISLAND 10-22: ASU Is Among 100 Russian Universities That Will Develop AI Competencies

Directorate of Information Policy (source: Press Centre of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education)

Photo: Information Bureau 20.35, courtesy of the workshop participants, Directorate of Information Policy