ASU Designers-To-Be Practise Theatrical Costume Making

ASU Designers-To-Be Practise Theatrical Costume Making

3rd-year students of the major “Technology (Dress Tailoring & Design)” are undertaking a summer traineeship in a tailor’s workshop, organized at the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work of Astrakhan State University.

The main task for the trainees is to prepare for setting of a new performance, based on A.S. Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin, of the student theatre “On Konovalov Street”.

The first stage of the traineeship was the creation of the idea of an onstage dress collection: it will be a collection of art nouveau costumes, and some of them will be stylized with modern dress elements. It was decided to use high-quality fabrics of rich colours and to embroider and decorate them by-hand.

Then, having taken measurements of the actors, the students started tailoring the costumes under the supervision of Rimma Tsarkova, a manager of the tailor’s workshop.

The traineeship allowed the 3rd-year students of the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work to master the tailoring technology and specificity of creating a collection, improve their skills, get create and learn to work in a team.

The results of the trainees’ work will be demonstrated next academic year at the theatrical performance.

Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work