Participants of ASU Summer IT School Get Certificates

Participants of ASU Summer IT School Get Certificates

In June 2019, the Faculty of Mathematics & Information Technologies implemented an additional educational programme for 5-8th grade schoolchildren on programming, non-standard mathematics and information security.

The programme of the ASU summer IT school was aimed at practice-oriented insight into a number of promising areas of science and technology development.

The programme included lectures, practical classes, laboratory work and master classes.

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While doing the programme course, the participants learnt the fundamentals of 3D modeling, application of 3D models and principles of 3D character animation, the main concepts of information security and fundamentals of cryptography and steganography; they got to know about pre-computer ciphers and information protection facilities and gained basic skills of Scratch programming.

Upon the completion of the course, Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics & Information Technologies, talked to the summer IT school participants and awarded them with certificates.

The students said they liked the programme a lot and expressed their desire for in-depth learning of mathematics and computer science.

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Faculty of Mathematics & Information Technologies