ASU Athlete Ranks 5th at ERSO European Championship

ASU Athlete Ranks 5th at ERSO European Championship

Aleksey Kolomin, a student of the ASU Faculty of Physical Training & Sports, participated in the Rope Skipping Championship in Graz, Austria, as part of the Russian team.

The competition brought together 582 athletes from 12 countries. Russia was represented by Aleksey Kolomin from Astrakhan and Yulia Votyakova from Nizhny Novgorod.

Aleksey is a member of the ASU rope skipping team “Astra-Delta”, where he undergoes training under the guidance of Irina Yankevich, a senior teacher of the Department of Games in Sports & Adaptive Physical Training.

It should be recalled that at the end of 2018, the student brought glory to Astrakhan and his university, having entered the Russia’s Record Book: Aleksey Kolomin managed to make 11,745 skips per hour.

At the ERSO Championship, Aleksey competed in three disciplines and ranked 5th in “triple unders”.

Faculty of Physical Training & Sports