Certificate Awarding Ceremony at ASU Department of Continuing Education

Certificate Awarding Ceremony at ASU Department of Continuing Education

About 200 students were awarded with standard-form certificates on successful completion of additional professional education programmes.

There is no doubt that additional professional education allows to gain in-demand competencies and become more competitive at the labour market. While undertaking their major programmes, students are eager to use this opportunity, provided by Astrakhan State University. Every year sees more than 350 students of ASU and other HEIs of the region that enter additional professional education programmes.

The certificate awarding ceremony is a long-awaited event for the graduates: now they are qualified for new professional activities and can fulfil their plans of career building. This year, the regional market welcomes another 44 translators and interpreters in the sphere of professional communications, 43 lawyers, 11 economists, 76 teachers and 22 managers.

The department employees, programme supervisors and alumni of previous years addressed the newly fledged graduates with kind parting words and wished them successful employment, professional growth and self-development, fulfilment of all their creative ideas, well-being, prosperity and, above all, further continuing education!

Department of Continuing Education

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy