Students of Astrakhan State University Work with Documents of the Past

Students of Astrakhan State University Work with Documents of the Past

Students of the ASU Historical Faculty undertook a traineeship at one of the biggest archives of Russia — the Public Achieves of Astrakhan region.

Guided by Nikolay Popov, an associate professor of the Department of Russia’s History, and the experienced archivists, the students of the ASU Historical Faculty undertook a traineeship at the Unit for Keeping and State Recording of Achieve Documents and the Unit for Achieve Documents Use, where they worked with authentic historical sources and leant about the rules of their keeping.

The students took part in the development of the finding aid and actively helped with the search of documents for different projects of the Public Achieves of Astrakhan region.

According to Eleonora Koneva, the traineeship has changed her attitude toward the work with achieve documents: “I used to find it boring and unreal, but now I see that the process is really interesting, exciting and, above all, important and valuable for society and people. I realized this importance while searching for data on genealogic documents of famous people from our region, as well as during the classes where we talked to the people who are really engaged in the achieve work.”

Historical Faculty