ASU Publishing House Issues Digital Caspian Region Proceedings

ASU Publishing House Issues Digital Caspian Region Proceedings

The issue is a collection of the materials of the international scientific forum, held in May 2019 at Astrakhan State University.

The discussion platforms of the forum «Caspian Region in Digital Economy Era» allowed its participants to discuss the issues of cross-border cooperation between the Caspian states under conditions of digital economy development, digital technologies in education, science and business, cybersecurity in the virtual world, ethic and sociocultural aspects of society digitalization, legal education in the era of digital revolution and a lot more.

The articles, included in the Digital Caspian Region Proceedings, dwell on the issues of the IT use in different spheres of human activities — economy, psychology, culture, legal science, etc. The authors describe the main interconnections of the informatization and globalization processes.

The proceedings are meant for teachers of educational institutions, Ph.D. students and everyone interested in the tendencies of development of different spheres in the digital era.

Astrakhan University Publishing House