Astrakhan State University Launches Summer Ecological School

Astrakhan State University Launches Summer Ecological School

During a two-week period, representatives of 15 Russian HEIs will study the Volga delta ecosystems, both in theory and in practice within their trip to the Astrakhan State Biosphere Reserve. The intensive course will result in presentations of group mini projects.

It should be recalled that the organization of the summer scientific school “Monitoring of Delta Ecosystems” at ASU became possible thanks to the grant from the Russian Geographical Society, won by our university. Astrakhan State University has participated in this competition for the first time, and the team of the Department of Ecology, Nature & Land Management, & Safe Vital Activities had a good deal of luck on their first try.

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Upon the competitive selection results, 20 authors of the best applications were invited to participate in the ecological school. The geography of participants is really wide: from the Far East and the Urals to the European part of Russia, from northern St. Petersburg to southern Astrakhan, Rostov and Simferopol.

The organizing team welcomed the participants at the opening ceremony of the student summer scientific school “Monitoring of Delta Ecosystems”. The audience was also welcomed by ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov.

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The attendees will have a lecture series on hydrology and hydrochemistry, will study the delta plant community and soils, will be involved in ichthyologic and parasitological surveys, will learn to apply different methods for registration of insects, birds and small mammals. A part of the classes will be held at the university, and some of them will take place “in the field” — at the Damchiksky sector of the Astrakhan Reserve. Then the school participants will process the collected data and present the results in the form of mini projects. The school will work until August, 22.

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