ASU Scientist Explains How Many Trees Astrakhan Needs

ASU Scientist Explains How Many Trees Astrakhan Needs

A typical summer heat is coming back to the region, and it means that green areas may become really saving for the citizens. According to the UN, trees can reduce the need for air conditioning systems by 30% if they are planted around the buildings properly. This interesting fact is commented by Mikhail Valov, an associate professor of the ASU Faculty of Geology & Geography.

According to the expert, nowadays, with the well-developed urbanization processes, the role of trees and green areas is very large. For such hot areas as Astrakhan region, an ability of trees to cool the air comes into the picture. It is explained by their ability to reflect light beams and absorb heat energy, which determines cooler air’s moving from parks and squares to heated concrete and asphalt areas. Besides, green areas facilitate air ionization, oxygenation and reduction of carbon dioxide.

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The ASU expert also notes an unquestionable engineering and protection role of trees (wind and water protection, etc.), their impact on composition of the urban space and, of course, the recreation function of the green areas.

So, the answer to the question in the article title turns out to be quite obvious: our city needs as many trees as possible, and it’s very important to distribute them by districts properly and watch over the plant health.

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