Participants of the School of Journalism Enter a Majoring Faculty of ASU

Participants of the School of Journalism Enter a Majoring Faculty of ASU

The School of Journalism is a general educational programme for pupils of secondary comprehensive schools of Astrakhan region. The project, developed by teachers of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism, has been implemented at Astrakhan State University since 2017.

The first group of the school attendees graduated last year.

The second “season” of the ASU School of Journalism included 36 classes, held by eight experts and speakers. There also were ten master classes: the participants visited the Centre of Korean Culture and the Archeological Laboratory of Astrakhan State University, Velimir Khlebnikov’s House Museum, took part in a “ruffian” excursion, interviewed a journalist, learnt how to work with a quadcopter and held a photography exhibition.

In August 2019, the 11th-form schoolchildren that completed the course of the ASU School of Journalism, participated in the competitive admissions and entered a majoring programme at the Faculty of Philology & Journalism, while their younger “group mates” will keep participating in the project in September, with the beginning of the new academic year.

Faculty of Philology & Journalism

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy