Agricultural Students of ASU Participate in Agrarian Conference in Crimea

Agricultural Students of ASU Participate in Agrarian Conference in Crimea

The 5th international scientific and practical conference “Biological and Ecological Fundamentals of Selection, Seed Production & Propagation of Plants” took place on September 2-7, 2019 at the Nikitinsky Botanic Garden — National Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Yalta.

The participants of the traditional forum, held under the aegis of the RAS Agricultural Department, discussed critical theoretical and practical issues in genetics and biotechnology in the sphere of plant production.

3rd-year students of the major “Agronomy” of Astrakhan State University took an active part in the conference. Besides, the participants went on an excursion around the Nikitinsky Botanic Garden and had a look at sightseeing attractions of the southern coast of Crimea.

The conference will result in publishing the proceedings with the reports, prepared by the participants.

Faculty of Agribusiness, Technologies & Veterinary Medicine