ASU Will Join Projects on Youth Cooperation with Chinese Organizations

ASU Will Join Projects on Youth Cooperation with Chinese Organizations

Respective opportunities were discussed at a meeting of Rector Konstantin Markelov with Tatiana Seliverstova, the Deputy Chair of the Russian Union of Youth.

China as one of the partners for implementing joint projects has been in the sphere of interests of Astrakhan State University for a long time: since 2007, about 100 students and staff members have undertaken language and study courses at Chinese universities; in their turn, more than 90 Chinese students have studied in Astrakhan within mobility programmes. Learning Chinese also is becoming increasingly popular. Participation of ASU in the project “International Youth Business Incubators” of the Russian Union of Youth will give a new impetus to this cooperation.

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According to Tatiana Seliverstova, now there are plans on establishing Russian-Chinese business incubators in a number of Russian cities that haven’t participated in the project yet, and Astrakhan has a good chance for joining the list.

The guest from the Russian Union of Youth marked out the benefits of the programme for regional universities. As a rule, close cooperation with China, going beyond these business incubators, results in new educational agreements, double degree and additional education programmes and an increasing number of students from China. Besides, the solid state support makes the project more relevant for foreign partners of the university. At ASU, the interaction with the Russian Union of Youth on the projects of international youth business incubators will be coordinated by the Project Office of International Cooperation and Development and the Youth Scientific Project Office. The heads of these units — Irina Bocharnikova and Albert Enaleev, — who also participated in the meeting, told the colleagues from the Russian Union of Youth about the projects of ASU students that may be improved and implemented within these business incubators.

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