Students of Astrakhan State University Talk to RF State Duma Deputy

Students of Astrakhan State University Talk to RF State Duma Deputy

Yesterday ASU welcomed Viktor Vodolatsky, the Deputy Chair of the State Duma Committee on Issues of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Contacts with Fellow Countryman.

Having been shown the university’s facilities, the guest met with students of the Humanities and discussed the current political situation in Russia and worldwide.

One of the main interests of Viktor Vodolatsky as a politician is the patriotic education of the younger generation. He stressed in the very beginning that he’s not afraid of tricky questions and always prefers to build an equal dialogue with young people.

The ASU students’ questions to the guest were connected with formation of the new state ideology, prospects of the relations between Russia and Ukraine, strengthening of the country’s external defense and other aspects of the current political situation.

At the end of the meeting, Viktor Volodatsky expressed his confidence in an increase of patriotic sentiments among young intellectuals.

The dialogue with the youth was continued in the evening at the International Youth Project Forum “SeliAs-2019”. The deputy called the young people for being active in doing patriotic projects and, for his part, promised to support students’ initiatives.

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