Konstantin Markelov Congratulates on Teachers’ Day

Konstantin Markelov Congratulates on Teachers’ Day

Esteemed teachers of Astrakhan region! Dear colleagues and friends! I wholeheartedly congratulate you on Teachers’ Day!

It’s really difficult to overestimate the work of teachers as they form high civic and personal qualities in schoolchildren and students. Teachers, university trainers, teachers of preschool and additional education collectively create real makers of the Russia’s future. I wholeheartedly congratulate all of those who help young people take the path of adult life, open new opportunities and reach new heights. I wish you tireless search for the truth on your work path, thankful and talented pupils and success in your profession.

Our Astrakhan State University trains teachers-to-be. Dear students, I sincerely wish you great diligence in mastering the sciences and constant self-improvement! Do remember that your profession implies responsibility, above all.

Dear veterans of the profession! You’ve been the example of understanding and professionalism for many years. I wish you sound health, well-being, happiness and long life. We bow down to you!

Happy Teachers’ Day, dear colleagues! Your experience and knowledge nourish current success of Astrakhan State University! Let those words of thanks you’ll hear on this important holiday inspire you to new professional achievements!

Konstantin Markelov, Rector of Astrakhan State University