Astrakhan State University Brings Together Leading Russianists of the World

Astrakhan State University Brings Together Leading Russianists of the World

On October 4, ASU held the opening ceremony of the 22nd International Scientific Conference “Russian Studies and Modernity”. It has involved experts in the Russian language from Latvia and Poland that cooperate with Astrakhan State University.

According to Astrakhan State University Rector Konstantin Markelov, the partner states demonstrate an active interest in training specialists in the Russian language and in double degree diplomas, implemented at ASU. It is especially nice that the scientific community actively discusses philological issues, and the Russian language is enhancing its positions as an instrument of international communication. The history of Astrakhan has always been connected with communication between different nations.

The audience was welcomed by Lyudmila Kasianova, the Dean of the ASU Faculty of Philology & Journalism, who stressed that the international conference “Russian Studies and Modernity” is annually held by the most respected universities both in Russia and abroad, and in 2019 this honorary right has been entrusted to our university which took up this scientific torch from the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.

Prof. Irina Lysakova, Doctor of Philological Sciences, the Head of the Department of Intercultural Communication of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia who is the mastermind of this international conference, passed two volumes of the last year’s conference proceedings and two scientific publications, prepared by staff members of the Department of Intercultural Communication, to the ASU scientific collection.

The Russianists presented their reports on current philological and pedagogical issues, including the use of the mother tongue in teaching a foreign language, on linguocultural polyphony of Astrakhan region, nonverbal means of expressing reproach and a lot more.

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Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities