ASU Representatives Present Their Reports during the Days of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in Azerbaijan

ASU Representatives Present Their Reports during the Days of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in Azerbaijan

From September 29 to October 5, Prof. Anna Romanova, Doctor of Philosophy and the Director of the Institute of Southern Russia & Northern Caspian Region Issues Research, and Pavel Karabushchenko, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Political Science & International Relations and a chief specialist of the Department of Social, Political and Economic Research of Eurasia & Orient, represented Astrakhan State University at an international event in Baku.

The ASU delegates took an active part in the events of the Assembly programme and presented their reports during the roundtable discussion “Sea of Peace, Agreement and Neighborliness: Contribution of Caspian Region in Eurasian Integration” which also featured Ramiz Mamedov, the Director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician G.A. Aliev of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

In his report titled “Caspian Sea as an Axial Region of Eurasia”, Pavel Karabushchenko presented a series of projects on preparing a set of encyclopedia about the peculiarities of the sea, and invited representatives of all the Caspian states to join the project.

Anna Romanova presented her project “Societal Security of Caspian Macroregion” which sparkled interest among the participants of the roundtable discussion due to its international status, above all, because it implies integration of the efforts of scientists from different countries.

During the discussion, the ASU representatives initiated creation of a Caspian expert scientific centre and Caspian scientific foundation on the basis of an idea of integration of all scientific developments, connected with Caspian issues, into a single scientific space, including a virtual one. Astrakhan State University is going to act as the key university in forming expert structures.

Institute of Southern Russia & Northern Caspian Region Issues Research