Student Science Festival Starts at Astrakhan State University

Student Science Festival Starts at Astrakhan State University

The 4th regional festival of student science “NAUKA 0+” started at ASU on October 8. This year, the main topic of the event is Mendeleev's Periodic Table.

The festival programme includes scientific lectures, an exhibition of research projects, quests and interactive master classes for students and schoolchildren.

Sergey Frolov, Acting Minister of Education and Science of Astrakhan Region, addressed the audience at the official ceremony and noted that the attitude to science has changed in recent years. It stopped being a totally academic sphere and acquired an interesting applied aspect.

ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov stressed that new ideas are extremely important for the university, and reminded the audience of the fact that recently, at the 22nd General Assembly of the Association of State Universities of Caspian Region Countries, ASU was approved as a coordinator of the new special commission “Science, Research & Technology”.

The programme of the first day of the festival included presentation of the ASU Youth Scientific Project Office, screening of scientific films, dedicated to the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, as well as an exhibition of scientific and innovative student projects of educational institutions of higher and professional education of Astrakhan region. Besides, there’ll be lectures on artificial intelligence and new formats of interaction between education and business, as well as a series of science-oriented activities for schoolchildren — quests and interactive master classes.

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