ASU Professor Presents Her Report on Labour Relations Digitalization in Nalchik

ASU Professor Presents Her Report on Labour Relations Digitalization in Nalchik

On October 2-3, the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V. M. Kokov held the international scientific and practical conference “National Economic Systems in Context of Digital Economy Formation” under the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

The conference brought together representatives of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, Georgia, Serbia and more than a dozen entities of Russia.

Oksana Mineva, the Dean of the ASU Faculty of Business and Economy, took part in the plenary session of the conference with the report “Transforming consciousness and patterns of labour relations participants’ behavior under the influence of social digitalization” and moderated the discussion panel “Digital economy: a new quality of life, business and public services”. The report gave way to a lively discussion and became one of the points of the conference resolution.

The event resulted in a number of agreements on scientific inquiries on the issues of social adaptation to life digitalization, which will be conducted together with foreign partners.

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Faculty of Business and Economy