Korean Alphabet Festival at Astrakhan State University

Korean Alphabet Festival at Astrakhan State University

On October 12, the ASU Center of Korean Language & Culture “King Sejong Institute” held a knowledge-sharing event within the framework of the Korean Alphabet Day celebration.

The participants were offered an eventful programme of master classes, games and competitions. The guests colored traditional Korean fans and wooden pads, tried on the hanbok, a traditional Korean dress, and wrote down their impressions at a special table of wishes.

The guests played pitch-pot, a traditional Korean game that requires players to throw an arrow from a distance of 1.5-2 metres into a quiver.

The organizers had prepared a “table of predictions” — stylized reproduction of the first birthday of a child, when different things like a stethoscope, scrolls, books, brushes, etc., are put in front of a child. The thing that he/she will choose determines his/her further path, for example the book destines for life, connected with science and education, while the stethoscope promises a medical destiny.

The Korean Alphabet Day saw different master classes. At the one on calligraphy, the guests were told about the Korean alphabet and learnt how to write letters and even some words like “love”, “happiness”, “family”, as well as the guests’ names.

The attendees of the Korean Center courses were offered free screening of a Korean film with Russian subtitles.

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