Opening Ceremony of Foreign Students’ Forum at Astrakhan State University

Opening Ceremony of Foreign Students’ Forum at Astrakhan State University

On October 14, Astrakhanskie Zori health centre held the official opening ceremony of the Interregional Forum of Foreign Students — Activists of Southern Federal District. The event is organized within the framework of the project “Peoples’ Friendship Club” which won the all-Russian competition of youth projects among educational institutions of higher education.

Each and every student has faced different problems and difficulties during his/her studies at university. According to Natalia Tsibizova, the Head of the ASU Directorate for Extracurricular Activities & Student Initiatives Development, the forum is aimed at creation of a model for supporting foreign students during their studies in Russia.

The participants were welcomed by Egor Ugarov, the Acting Head of the regional Youth Agency, as well as by ASU Vice-Rector for Academic Activities Aleksandr Treshchev, who stressed that foreign students that study Russian will become not only teachers of the language in their home countries but bearers of the culture.

It should be recalled that the programme of the interregional forum is quite eventful and includes various discussions, networking meetings, workshops, a meeting of the professional club “Laboratory of Student Initiatives”, where the students will solve the problems a foreign student faces during his/her studies at a Russian university. The students will form project groups to consider some issues of the migration and labour law, problems of social adaptation and cultural interaction. Each team will present their project on the final day. The projects will unite the experience of foreign students of the Southern Federal District.

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