Results of ASU Scientist’s Research Are Published in Prestigious Scientific Journal

Results of ASU Scientist’s Research Are Published in Prestigious Scientific Journal

Anatoly Likhter, the Head of the Department of General Physics, and his colleagues from Moscow prepared an article that later was published in a respected journal “Materials Letters”.

It should be noted that Materials Letters belong to the first quartile of the leading scientific journals. It is a kind of communication platform for scientists and engineers that work with ceramics, polymers, metals and alloys, composites and new materials. Timely publication of scientific articles in these areas promote their further development and stimulate cross-enhancement and interdisciplinary research.

The article by Anatoly Likhter, prepared by him in co-authorship with Aleksandr Levchenko, the Director of RAS Institute of Solid State Physics, Sergey Filatov, a researcher of the Institute, and Leonid Mezhov-Deglin, the Honoured Worker of Science of Russia and the chief researcher of the Quantum Crystal Laboratory, dwells on quasi-adiabatic breakup of vortical motion on the water surface.

Read our new longread to learn more about the experiment, allowing to model processes of ‘death wave’ generation in the ocean under laboratory conditions.

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