Educational Programmes of ASU Scientists Are Recognized the Most In-Demand

Educational Programmes of ASU Scientists Are Recognized the Most In-Demand

On October 14-18, the Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) hosted another meeting-seminar for the participants of the FARMeER project working group.

The event summed up the results of the international summer online school “Sustainable Agriculture” which involved ten Russian and foreign HEIs, including Astrakhan State University.

The FARmER Sustainable Agriculture school was held in the first half of July 2019. Representatives of the universities of Germany, Iran, Italy, Russia and Slovakia presented their courses in Agromechatronics.

The ASU research team had developed a course of lectures on digital agriculture. This vector of research is guided by Ravil Arykbaev, the Dean of the Faculty of Agribusiness, Technologies & Veterinary Medicine and Professor of the Department of Agricultural Technologies, Engineering & Agribusiness, who also created a video course on economic aspects of digital agriculture. Issues of digital technology and robotics were touched upon in lectures of Aleksey Rybakov, the Director of the Institute of Physics & Mathematics and Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Automatics, while Aleksandr Koshkarov, the Head of the ASU Research Laboratory of Big Data & Digital Technologies and Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies, dwelled on the topic of big data and artificial intelligence.

At the kick-off meeting, held at NPI, the project coordinators from Germany mentioned that the courses of Astrakhan State University had the biggest number of attendees in comparison with the rest of the presented educational lectures. ASU became the best in terms of the relevance of the offered programmes.

According to Ravil Arykbaev, the meeting resulted in a decision to organize a visit of the German colleagues to ASU for considering some working issues, connected with the Master’s Degree programme “Agromechatronics” which has been recently launched at our university.

Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: courtesy of Ravil Arykbaev