ASU Representatives Visit Competence Centre of National Technology Initiative of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

ASU Representatives Visit Competence Centre of National Technology Initiative of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

The delegation of Astrakhan State University, headed by Rector Konstantin Markelov, was composed of Nikolay Vybornov, the Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering, and Aleksey Titov, the Head of the Engineering Project Office.

The ASU representatives met with St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Rector Andrey Rudsky, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with Aleksey Borovkov, the SPbPU Vice-Rector for Innovative Projects who heads the Competence Centre of SPbPU NTI “New Production Technology”, with specialists of the SPbPU NTI Centre Board and with representatives of CompMechLab® Engineering Centre of the university.

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The main point of the visit was a discussion on prospects of the cooperation between the universities in three key areas — establishment of a scientific and educational centre at ASU in partnership with SPbPU, creation of a “mirrored” engineering centre at Astrakhan State University in the area “Polygon of Engineering Solutions in Innovative Shipbuilding” and co-organization of the World Engineering Competitions (WEC).

The meeting participants also discussed implementation of a joint pilot project and agreed to formalize all the negotiated initiatives with a cooperation agreement which will be signed in December at the annual national exhibition “VUZPROMEXPO”.

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Source: materials of the SPbPU NTI Centre