Astrakhan State University Is Among Winners of Ministry of Science and Higher Education Competition

Astrakhan State University Is Among Winners of Ministry of Science and Higher Education Competition

The expert commission of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education has recognized ASU one of the winners of the competitive selection in the project “Providing Citizens with Continuing Education Programmes in Educational Institutions That Run Additional Educational Programmes and Vocational Programmes” in 2019.

Astrakhan State University presented its additional professional programmes of advanced training in the priority areas of science and engineering and became one of fifty HEIs that received the right to train citizens in continuing education programmes within the framework of implementation of the federal project “New Opportunities for Everyone” of the national project “Education”.

Eighty-three Russian universities took part in the competition. The ASU Department of Continuing Education coordinated the working group that had prepared the application of our university. Upon the results of the competition jury assessment, programmes of the Biological Faculty “Land Management & Regulation at Regional and Municipal Levels”, “Instrument & Tool Support of Modern Methods of Molecular Biology and Genomics in Biomedical Practice” and programmes of the Faculty of Agribusiness, Technologies & Veterinary Medicine “Innovations in Agricultural Crop Protection”, “Sturgeon Breeding Research & Educational Centre” and “Sturgeon Breeding State, Problems & Prospects” are among the best.

Department of Continuing Education