Astrakhan State University Will Run Its Own Veterinary Hospital

Astrakhan State University Will Run Its Own Veterinary Hospital

During an offsite meeting, ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov had a look at the waiting room, examination room and operating room and met the hospital specialists, both experienced professionals and starting doctors.

The initiative of the Department of Veterinary Medicine to create an educational and diagnostic veterinary centre “UNIVET” is aimed at increasing the level of training of veterinary students.

The hospital will be headed by Vladimir Bykov, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences who has a rich academic and work experience in veterinary. Animals will be treated by professors and associate professors of Astrakhan State University, who will be assisted by students of the Faculty of Agribusiness, Technologies & Veterinary Medicine.

The UNIVET Centre will be located on Sofia Perovskaya Street, in a densely populated district of Astrakhan, so the founders believe that their hospital will be quite in-demand among tailed patients. Here owners can have their pets vaccinated, examined and operated. Primarily these will be small urban animals — cats and dogs — but doctors also will be able to go to the countryside to treat cattle. The prices are planned to be midmarket or even slightly below the average.

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