Astrakhan State University Analyzes Its Trade Union Activities

Astrakhan State University Analyzes Its Trade Union Activities

Due to expiration of the term of office of the elected bodies, a report and electoral conference of the Trade Union of Astrakhan State University was set by the decision of the ASU Trade Union Committee and the resolution of the Regional Organization of Education Trade Union for November 15.

Lyudmila Kasiyanova, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism who is the Chair of the Trade Union, addressed the audience with a report on the work done.

The units with major representation of their staff among the Trade Union members are the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology & Journalism, Law Faculty and ASU College. As for the student membership, here the leaders are the Faculty of Philology & Journalism, Faculty of Pedagogy & Social Work and Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering.

Luidmila Kasiyanova thanked all the deans who had supported her call to hold meetings of Trade Union activists with freshers and expressed her hope that the number of union members would grow, especially among the studentship. She also spoke in detail about the organization activities in different areas, from health recreation to culture and entertainment.

Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov stressed that the Trade Union Committee is the basis of workers’ rights protection, and it’s very important to discuss all issues, from labour conditions provision to salaries, with the university administration.

Upon the delegates’ voting results, Lyudmila Kasiyanova was elected ASU Trade Union Chair for the next five years.

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