ASU Student Does a Study Course at Hainan University

ASU Student Does a Study Course at Hainan University

Victoria Masyutkina, a 4th-year student of the major “International Relations”, has told us how she managed to take an exchange programme to study at a Chinese university, whether it is difficult to study in a foreign language and how Russian students are met abroad.

Like all school leavers, when being in the 11th form and having to make a difficult decision on choosing a programme for enrollment, the young lady decided to dedicate her life to an exciting and honoured profession and opted for international relations.

“It is an interesting and in-demand major. I’ve always been fascinated by the history of different states and got interested in an opportunity to study the global politics, international conflicts and foreign languages,” explains Victoria Masyutkina. In the 4th study year, the student has had luck to undertake a language traineeship at Hainan University, China.

Read our longread about her first impressions from the country, the study process and how the student is spending her free time in the most rapidly-developing country of the world.

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