Konstantin Markelov Takes Part in Business Meetings in Helsinki

Konstantin Markelov Takes Part in Business Meetings in Helsinki

The delegation of Astrakhan State University has discussed possible areas of cooperation between Finland and Russia in educational, cultural, scientific and social spheres with the host party.

Today, on November 21, ASU Rector met with Ambassador of Russia to Finland Pavel Kuznetsov, Attaché for Science and Technology Aleksandr Gordienko, Head of the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Finland Sergey Sinelnikov and Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in Finland Sergey Malyshev.

The parties discussed issues of developing cooperation with Finnish universities in educational and scientific areas, cooperation with different cultural and social organizations of Finland and Finnish technoparks.

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While discussing the issue of economic cooperation development, Konstantin Markelov dwelled on the use of ASU capacities for research and scientific developments that later may be used in production, on university’s training of professionals and conducting research for customers.

At the meeting with the Rossotrudnichestvo representative, the parties discussed the issues of ASU participation in events of the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Helsinki, aimed at promotion of the Russian education abroad and integration of the Russian higher school into the global educational space.

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Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: courtesy of Konstantin Markelov