ASU Delegation’s Visit to Finland Goes On

ASU Delegation’s Visit to Finland Goes On

On November 20, ASU representatives got to know more about the educational and industrial potential of the country and reached agreements on further cooperation.

In particular, the Astrakhan researchers met with a Kouvola Innovation company representative Aleksandra Turunen. The company is an intermediary between South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences and the local administration and helps establish and develop activities of different companies in the country.

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Besides, the ASU delegates met with a representative of the administration of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Petteri Ikonen, the Director of the School of Computing. The colleagues discussed possibilities of scientific and educational cooperation and agreed to organize academic exchange and implement joint projects. A meeting with the Export Director of Lumon, the world’s largest glazing company, also was very productive. The Finnish party expressed their interest in organizing ASU students’ traineeship at company’s production sites and in joint research and developments.

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Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: courtesy of Konstantin Markelov