Astrakhan State University Delegation Starts Working at “Winter Island” Workshop

Astrakhan State University Delegation Starts Working at “Winter Island” Workshop

The university representatives attended the official opening ceremony of the workshop and took part in its first activities.

It should be recalled that the “Winter Island” is being held on December 1-4 in Sochi within the framework of the Technology Leadership Week and brings together 1,500 experts from Russian companies, aimed at the export of national digital and educational technologies and products.

Astrakhan State University is presented there by Rector Konstantin Markelov, First Vice-Rector — Vice-Rector for Strategic Development Elina Polyanskaya, Boiling Point Program Director Angelina Fadina, Engineering Project Office Head Aleksey Titov and Head of the Laboratory “Big Data and Digital Technologies” Aleksandr Koshkarov.

The workshop “Winter Island” is organized by NTI Platform, University 20.35, Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Russian Venture Company, autonomous non-profit organization “Digital Economy”, educational centre “Sirius” and respective federal ministries.

The main topic of the workshop is “Human Potential under Digital Economy Conditions: Checking Profiles and Trajectory of Talents”. The event participants will formulate decisions on overcoming barriers in training modern professionals. Results of the expert groups’ work will be supported by the government within the framework of the federal project “HR for Digital Economy”.

The ASU participants are taking part in the project session of the HR track “Digital Universities: Data, Services, Ecosystems and Integration Models”.

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Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: courtesy of the workshop participants