Math Cat Drops in Astrakhan State University

Math Cat Drops in Astrakhan State University

In the past year, Astrakhan held its first education & entertainment math flashmob “MathCat 2019” at Astrakhan State University.

The campaign is aimed at enhancing math education and promoting mathematics within the framework of implementation of the Concept for Math Education Development in the Russian Federation.

MathCat is a non-profit project, allowing everyone interested to check their knowledge in mathematics while playing. Last year, Astrakhan also joined the campaign upon initiative of the ASU Department of Mathematics & Mathematics Teaching Technique.

Entrants do a written test in classrooms, solving various math problems individually. The program commission of the campaign prepare packages of problems of elementary, basic, intermediate and even advanced levels of difficulty (leagues).

The education & entertainment math flashmob “MathCat-2019”, held in Astrakhan, brought together 29 people, aged from 10 to 47 years. It was pleasant to see that some pupils came together with their parents. Upon the competition results, top-3 participants from each league of the Astrakhan campaign received e-certificates with honours.

Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering