Colleagues from Yaroslavl Provide Training for ASU College Representatives

Colleagues from Yaroslavl Provide Training for ASU College Representatives

Staff members and teachers of the college of Astrakhan State University undertook an advanced training course in the programme “Current Issues of Implementing Federal State Education Standards in System of Vocational Education” at the education development institute “Platform”.

The trainers from Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management (Yaroslavl) told the course attendees about some algorithms and specific features of drawing up documents in accordance with the new and updated federal state education standards, about the development of assessment tool funds, elaboration of assessment tools and grade systems, reflective analysis of the study process and results, assessment of study process quality and other aspects of implementation of vocational education programmes.

The participants were interested most of all in the issues, connected with holding the demonstration examination in implementation of the new and updated federal state education standards. It is both an organizational model of the certification with the use of the demonstration exam mechanism and a review of different procedures of holding the exam, a review of methodological recommendations on organizing the demonstration exam as part of the state final certification.

After two days of the dense work, the attendees received certificates on advanced training.

ASU College