ASU Publishing House Presents Books at Russian Press Day Exhibition

ASU Publishing House Presents Books at Russian Press Day Exhibition

This holiday is traditionally celebrated on January 13. Each year, the Government of Astrakhan region invites regional publishers, printing and publishing houses to present their products. Astrakhan State University has been a regular participant of this special event of publishers for many years.

The exposition featured such distinguished guests as Chairman of the Astrakhan Government Aleksandr Sharykin and regional Minister of Industry and Natural Resources Denis Afanasiev.

The publishing house “Astrakhan University” exhibited a wide range of its products, including study, scientific and reference literature, reflecting all the majors, offered by ASU. The house has published more than 4,000 printed items since 1991, including 850 monographs, more than 1,500 textbooks and study guides. Works are authored mainly by professors, teachers and scientists of our university and other Russian HEIs. Publication of more than 50 works has been sponsored through grants. The publishing house has been a member of the Publishing & Printing Association of Russian Universities since 2004.

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