United Council of Students Is Leader in Transparency of Its Activities

United Council of Students Is Leader in Transparency of Its Activities

In December 2019, the regional Ministry of Education and Science summed up results of the ranking of student self-governance units of professional educational institutions and educational institutions of higher education of Astrakhan region. According to the competitive selection results, the United Council of Students of Astrakhan State University was awarded in two categories.

It should be noted that the project is aimed at improving transparency and efficiency of activities of student self-governance units, stimulating students to develop and improve the work of student organizations. The ranking is made each year under support of the regional Youth Agency and the Astrakhan regional office of the interregional social organization “Student Solidarity”. The ranking involved 21 educational organizations — 9 higher educational institutions and 12 secondary specialized educational institutions.

The ASU United Council of Students ranked first in the category “Transparency of activities” and second in the category “Financial and logistical support of activities”.

United Council of Students

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy