Astrakhan State University will hold a job fair in the agro-industrial sector

Astrakhan State University will hold a job fair in the agro-industrial sector

Graduates of agricultural specialities of Astrakhan State University are invited to meet with employers, heads of the regional Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, state and local authorities.

Astrakhan State University will hold a job fair in the agro-industrial sphere.
The event will take place on 12 February 2020 at 11:00 in the conference hall of the educational building ¹ 4 at the address: liter A, 2, Sovetskaya Street, Nachal settlement, Astrakhan region, Privolzhsky district. Registration starts at 10:00.

Applications for participation are accepted until 3 February 2020 by phone 8 (8512) 24-64-17 and e-mail

Career Planning Centre