Researchers of Astrakhan State University Are Acknowledged at Large Scientific Event

Researchers of Astrakhan State University Are Acknowledged at Large Scientific Event

The 27th international conference “Mathematics. Computer. Education” was held from January 27 to February 1, 2020 in Dubna. ASU representatives were awarded with the diploma for the best stand report in the section “Mathematical Models in Science and Technology”.

The authors of the article “Modeling of Influence of Thermal Effects on Mass-Transfer in Liquid, Put in Cylindrical Micrometric Cell” are a student of the ASU Faculty of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering Anastasiya Gorkun and a senior scientist of the research laboratory “Mathematical Modeling & ICT in Science & Education”, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics & Physics Teaching Technique Irina Vodolazskaya.

It should be noted that conferences “Mathematics. Computer. Education” are multidisciplinary and are aimed at consolidating efforts of scientists and university trainers, preserving traditions of the Russian science and education, advancing qualification of research and teaching staff in the spheres of mathematical modeling and IT, and involving the youth into science and education. 320 scientific reports were presented at the 27th conference.

Institute of Physics & Mathematics