Student of Astrakhan State University Participates in “Lectorium-2020”

Student of Astrakhan State University Participates in “Lectorium-2020”

The educational platform, organized by the Student Coordinating Committee of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, took place on January 24-26 in Moscow Oblast. A 1st-year student of the ASU Faculty of Philology & Journalism Saida Aminova did a study course in the track “Mass Media Service”.

The educational programme of Lectorium started with the opening of the exhibition That’s What I Love Russia For at the metro station Vystavochnaya. Then the students joined respective tracks (Mass Media Service, Project Work, School of Coaches and SMM in Student Organization) and met with the speakers.

The second day of Lectorium was dedicated to the Russian Students Day, and young mass media experts were to prepare a special photo-report.

Ñòóäåíòêà Àñòðàõàíñêîãî ãîñóíèâåðñèòåòà ïîñåòèëà «Ëåêòîðèóì-2020»

On the final third day, the participants of the track «Mass Media Service» demonstrated their works which were later posted in social media for voting for the best publication.

Therefore, the project participants shared their experience with each other, met students from different cities and, of course, gained new skills and knowledge which will be surely implemented in student trade union organizations of Russian universities.

Ñòóäåíòêà Àñòðàõàíñêîãî ãîñóíèâåðñèòåòà ïîñåòèëà «Ëåêòîðèóì-2020»

Ñòóäåíòêà Àñòðàõàíñêîãî ãîñóíèâåðñèòåòà ïîñåòèëà «Ëåêòîðèóì-2020»

Faculty of Philology & Journalism