VGIK Students Will Undertake Traineeships at Astrakhan State University

VGIK Students Will Undertake Traineeships at Astrakhan State University

Yesterday, on February 18, Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov met with Director of the Rostov-on-Don Branch of the Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. Gerasimov, Doctor of Sociological Sciences Aleksandr Rezvanov. The parties discussed the main areas of cooperation and signed a partnership agreement.

Earlier, in December 2019, Head of the Art-Platform Project Office Galina Zoteeva reached a verbal arrangement on cooperation for involvement of ASU students into creative activities and development of their potential during her business trip to Rostov-on-Don.

The guest spoke in detail about the study programmes, offered by his university. For example, graduates who completed the vocational programmes in the major “Theatre and Audiovisual Technology” are in-demand at the labour market. As for higher education, the most popular majors here are “Film and TV Direction”, “Producer Business” and “Acting”.

“Astrakhan State University has a unique equipment for animation, and we may think of some projects to use it jointly. Today, the Innovative Technological Center to Create Multimedia Content uses it for medical and research purposes. Only three universities of Russia can impress with such an equipment”, noted Konstantin Markelov.

Then Aleksandr Rezvanov met with students of the ASU Faculty of Social Communications, Faculty of Philology & Journalism and representatives of the Cultural Centre.

At the meeting, students learnt about majors and training programmes, implemented in the partner university, as well as an opportunity to do a professional retraining course at the Centre of Additional Education of the Rostov-on-Don Branch.

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