ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov Meets with RF Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov

ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov Meets with RF Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov

The parties discussed the hottest issues — establishment of the Caspian SEC, construction of an interuniversity campus and a modern dormitory, issues connected with international students and an increase in state-funded admission quotas.

The meeting was initiated by the Astrakhan party, in particular by Chairman of the Regional Duma Igor Martynov, who is a member of the ASU Board of Overseers. Besides, the meeting involved ASU First-Vice Rector — Vice-Rector for Strategic Development Elina Polyanskaya.

The work on establishment of the Caspian SEC is under way. Two regions have already confirmed their participation in the projects — these are Astrakhan region and Kalmykiya. Four HEIs of Dagestan will be partners of the project. In general, the minister supported the idea of creation of the scientific and educational centre. Valery Falkov put forward a number of proposals on the project implementation. The procedure of selection of the next five scientific and educational centres will take place as early as this May.

“The meeting was quite interesting, vivid and productive. We discussed issues, connected with the current educational process, with prospects and the strategy of the higher education development in Astrakhan region. The main thing is that there’s full understanding of problems in higher school,” noted the Rector.

At the meeting, the minister stressed that he considers Astrakhan State University as the leader and initiator of new projects for development of the whole higher education of Astrakhan region. He also sees ASU as a coordinator of projects on the successfully developing Caspian region.

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