Astrakhan State University Is to Reformat Its Approaches to Research Activities

Astrakhan State University Is to Reformat Its Approaches to Research Activities

The participants of another meeting of the ASU Academic Council were presented a report on the results of scientific and research activities of the university in 2019.

According to Vice-Rector for Research Activities Anna Fedotova, last year Astrakhan State University managed to raise all of its key indicators in comparison with 2018 — this refers to the number of articles in international databases, income per scientific and teaching staff member, total amount of funds raised, number of scientific events, etc.

In her report, the vice-rector also touched upon such areas of research activities of the university as growing publication activity, submission of applications for copyright protection, contract work, establishment of new periodical editions, an increasing rate of academic degree holders among the teaching staff, organization of thesis boards and development of student science.

Another promising issue is submission of applications for international grants together with partner universities, including with HEIs that are leaders in a specific field, where a research team may include scientists of world reputation.

Speaking about the top-priority tasks for activation of the scientific and research activities at ASU, Anna Fedotova mentioned, among other things, targeted support of promising scientists, engagement of young researchers into grant projects and more efficient use of the university’s infrastructure — now the university is solving the issue of creation of a core facilities centre at the university.

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