ASU Representatives Discuss Areas for Joint Activities with Kalmyk Colleagues

ASU Representatives Discuss Areas for Joint Activities with Kalmyk Colleagues

Within the framework of the visit of the ASU delegation to Elista, ASU Vice-Rector for Research Activities Anna Fedotova and Head of the Caspian SEC Project Office Oksana Mineva met with the top-management of the Kalmyk Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences and told them about the main anchor projects, forming a basis of the application for establishment of the scientific and educational centre.

The Kalmyk representatives got very interested in the project “Societal Security of the Caspian Macroregion”, managed by Anna Romanova, the Director of the ASU Institute of Southern Russia & Northern Caspian Region Issues Research, who has long-established scientific ties with researchers of the centre. For example, Prof. Baazr Bicheev, a leading scientist of the centre, and Associate Professor Lyudmila Namrueva, the Head of the Integrated Monitoring & IT Department, have already had effective cooperation with the professor of Astrakhan State University.

In their turn, Director of the Kalmyk centre Victoria Kukanova told the Astrakhan delegation about the main areas of its work, covered by activities of the Department of History, Archeology & Ethnology, the Integrated Monitoring & IT Department and the Mongol Philology Department.

The parties agreed to deepen their scientific cooperation within preparation of the application for the competition of the Russian Scientific Foundation. Besides, they keep working on identifying prospective areas of joint activities within the application for establishment of the Caspian SEC.

Caspian SEC Project Office