Representative of Astrakhan State University Won a Grant from the Vladimir Potanin Foundation

Representative of Astrakhan State University Won a Grant from the Vladimir Potanin Foundation

Galina Palatkina, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work of ASU, has won the grants competition for Master’s degree teachers of programme “Scholarship Programme of Vladimir Potanin” in 2019/2020 academic year.

Scientists from 59 universities of the Russian Federation were among the grantees.

Astrakhan State University won the competition in the nomination “New Master’s programme” with the course “Social work. Tutor support for students with disabilities”. Implementation of this project will enable students to develop a number of fundamental competencies, among which are the following skills:

  • to use innovative technologies taking into account the type of development disorders in a child and the tasks of each age stage;
  • plan and design preventive and correction and development programmes for children with different types of disabilities, including individual educational routes;
  • to design a strategy of individual and group correction and development work with students with disabilities based on the type of disorder;
  • to diagnose and determine the causes of disorders in the educational process, behaviour and development of children and adolescents with disabilities.

The unique features of the programme lie primarily in the absence of such courses that combine aspects of pedagogical, psychological, correctional, managerial and IT sciences in the Astrakhan region, as well as in the great need for new highly qualified personnel capable of providing professional assistance and support to students with disabilities.

The programme will contain a significant number of practice hours. This will allow to apply a competency-based approach and to build a strategy for the development and promotion of future specialists within the educational process.

Elena Ryabova, Irina Tarasova, Vyacheslav Dryagalov, Albina Dzhangazieva and Vladimir Palatkin, representatives of the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work of ASU, participated in the project.

The course “Social work. Tutor support for students with disabilities” will be introduced in the educational process of Astrakhan State University in 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 academic years.

Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work

With the use of materials from the Vladimir Potanin Foundation website