ASU Students and Staff Can Determine Their Digital Literacy Level

ASU Students and Staff Can Determine Their Digital Literacy Level

On April 8, 2020 the Boiling Point Centre of Astrakhan State University offers to join an all-Russia campaign on writing a digital dictation. Everyone interested will be able to assess their skills on work with computers and other digital devices online, check their knowledge of the safe work rules and communication culture on the Net.

Today, digital literacy is keeping up with grammatically correct writing, as it allows to benefit from all the advantages of the digital era in full. It allows a person to become efficient and understandable for others, to use analog and digital tools and technologies to help about the house and address professional tasks.

The all-Russia campaign «Digital Dictation» is taking place from March 28 to April 11, 2020 within the framework of the initiative “Digital Literacy Week”. The organizers are the Competence Centre “HR for Digital Economy”, NTI University, Regional Social Centre of Internet Technology, All-Russia People’s Front and Microsoft.

Use the link to register at leader-id platform.

All the registered participants will receive a link for participation in the morning of April 8.

Boiling Point Centre