MA Students of Astrakhan State University Talked to UN Expert Online

MA Students of Astrakhan State University Talked to UN Expert Online

Nikolay Telnov, an interpreter of the Russian booth of the UN Office at Vienna, gives regular classes to students of the ASU Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation. This week has seen another virtual meeting.

2nd-year MA student Roman Krasnozhenov has briefly told us how such classes are held:

“Everything is arranged as simple as that — we make a group video call in Skype and work with the things that Nikolay works in the UN with. At the previous class, we did sight translation of speeches of delegates from different countries, delivered at another session of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and the UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. We also discussed the COVID-19 situation in the world a little”, says the MA student.

It should be recalled that this format of classes is not a new one for the students — the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation has an opportunity to take part in virtual classes with interpreters regardless of their geographical location.

Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation