Astrakhan State University Starts Online Welcome Week

Astrakhan State University Starts Online Welcome Week

On April 13-18, deans of the faculties, heads of the departments and representatives of the admissions office will provide prospective students and their parents with daily information about the 2020 admission campaign online.

The spring welcome week has already become a traditional event at ASU, but for the first time it’s being held remotely. Such a format was chosen due to the current state of quarantine in Russia, but the organizers note several obvious advantages of online communication with prospective applicants. First of all, it’s an ability to present the potential of Astrakhan State University to the widest audience, including to other regions and even countries.

The series of online meetings was opened by ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov. He suggested that future school leavers, who now are facing a difficult choice in their life, evaluated all opportunities, offered by different educational institutions — both in terms of education and future employment — very attentively.

The series of online meetings went on with speeches by faculty deans and the head of the ASU College. They will be held during the whole week according to the established schedule. Stream recording are available after the live stream is over. At the end of the distance marathon, it also will be possible to ask questions to the representatives of the university admissions office.

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