ASU Keeps Advancing Information & Communication Competence of Teachers

ASU Keeps Advancing Information & Communication Competence of Teachers

Within the framework of the corporate training of scientific and teaching staff, the Department of Continuing Education of Astrakhan State University is implementing an additional professional programme of advanced training “Information & Communication Technology in Professional Activities of Teacher under Conditions of Systemic Changes in Higher Education”.

The programme was developed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the ASU Department of Information Technologies Oleg Evdoshenko. He is also a tutor of the advanced training courses, implemented remotely on the Open Education platform.

Participants of the online classes improve their competencies in the field of using the educational potential of information technologies in the study process.

More than 100 teachers of ASU have already completed the study course.At the moment, 60 representatives of the Historical Faculty, Biological Faculty and the Faculty of Agribusiness, Technologies& Veterinary Medicine, divided into three groups, are doing the course.

The course leader also noted that the distant format of delivering the course allows to set the pace of studies on one’s own, to gain new knowledge at a convenient time and without leaving home, thus observing self-isolation.

Department of Continuing Education