ASU Professor Presents Her Scientific Achievements at International Forum

ASU Professor Presents Her Scientific Achievements at International Forum

Today, Dean of the ASU Faculty of Social Communications Lyudmila Baeva spoke at the all-Russia conference with international participation “Education in 21st Century: National Goals and Strategic Tasks”. The online event was organized by the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

The scientific forum participants discussed relevant issues of the Russian education and its prospects in the global open society.

In her report “Education Digitalization Effect on Human in Context of Security Problems”, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Lyudmila Baeva told the participants about implementation of the project, supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, at Astrakhan State University. She presented the results of theoretical and empirical studies on evaluation of new possibilities and problems, connected with a shift of higher and general education to the digital environment.

The report, made by the ASU representative, arouse the interest among the colleagues from Siberia, while the online format of the conference allowed to take part in discussion on the issues under consideration.

Faculty of Social Communications