INALCO MA Student Keeps Studying at ASU CITS Remotely

INALCO MA Student Keeps Studying at ASU CITS Remotely

Student of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation (CITS) Valerie Hocquemiller, a native of the French city of Besan?on, bordering with Swirzerland, is studying at Astrakhan State University within an exchange programme. The student loves cooking and reading books.

She came to Astrakhan specially for studying simultaneous interpretation at CITS. Unfortunately, Valerie had to return home because of the pandemic, but now she keeps mastering the profession of interpreter at ASU through distance learning.

Valerie is a 1st-year MA student of the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Paris, France). She came to Astrakhan as an exchange student for a semester. Then she had to return to France because of the COVID-19 situation, but she keeps studying remotely.

Valerie really likes simultaneous interpretation. On the very first day, her group mates told her everything about the classes, tasks, timetable, etc. They always reacted immediately and helped her when she asked something about Astrakhan or sought advice.

“The city seemed small to me. But I noticed from the very first day how many kind people are here! I was very surprised with this fact. As soon as I entered the university, I felt how cool and high-tech it is”, says the student.

Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation